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Sunnah Remedy - Sidr Salve

Sunnah Remedy is the worlds first ever Sidr leaf-infused salve (Herbal cream). It is 100% Organic and contains 3 main ingredients. Yemeni-grown Sidr leaf, cold infused into Organic Olive oil. It is then solidified with Beeswax that gives this a thick balm-like texture.  Herbal salves are meant to be used on cuts, scrapes or scars but they can also be used for hair care and general skincare.


Sidr leaf is a traditional Islamic medicinal plant mentioned in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. Sidr is an Anti-Bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-microbial, Disinfecting plant that helps speed up the healing of all types of skin problems. It is also used in spiritual purification. It can be used anywhere on your body including hair and lips. This salve is safe for all skin types, including babies and pets.


Directions: Apply the product to the desired area with your finger and rub it in. You can re-apply as much as you need, as often as you need. This salve is safe for babies, pets and people with sensitive skin.


Storage: Store the Sidr salve at room temperature or cooler. Do not put water inside the product container and keep it in a dry area with the lid closed. After a year the quality of the product will start to fade. 

Sunnah Remedy - Sidr Salve

PriceFrom C$13.00
  • Ingredients

    • Organic Extra Virgin Olive oil infused with 
      Organic Yemeni Sidr leaf.
    • Organic Beeswax
  • Common uses

    Physical benefits: Anti-bacterial, Anti-Fungal, Help moisturize cuts, Dry skin, Chapped lips, Rashes, Bruises and other common skin issues. Helps promote hair growth, relieve the symptoms of flaky dry hair or beard, moisturize hair and prevent split ends. 

    Spiritual benefits: Help cure Black Magic, Spiritual purification, Warding off evil-eye, Ruqyah, Jinn possession

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